Roblox Hacked Channel

  • I hope you like Roblox names and usernames take your favorite name from the list and use them as your Roblox account name. If you want to insert your name in this blog post so drop in the comment section i will try to insert in my post and update my post thanks for spending your time herešŸ„°.
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Roblox exploits for games. Offers a near full Lua executor, click teleport, ESP, speed, fly, infinite jump, and so much more. A powerful all in one package.

Jan 1st, 2017
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  1. original: 'missingno',
  2. initialized: 0,
  3. items: [],
  4. inventoryString: '<li><div><a href='%1'><div><div ng-hide='item.Product.SerialNumbernull'>#</div><img thumbnail='item.Thumbnail' image-retry=' src='%2'></div><div>%6 </div></a><!-- ngIf: item.Item.AudioUrl --><div><span>By</span> <a ng-href='%3' ng-hide='!'favorites'&amp;&amp;'Places'&amp;&amp;('My VIP Servers'||'Other VIP Servers')&amp;&amp;staticData.isOwnPage' href='%3'>%4</a> <a ng-href=' ng-show='!'favorites'&amp;&amp;('My VIP Servers'||'Other VIP Servers')'></a></div><div><span></span> <span ng-show='item.HasPrice'></span> <span ng-hide='item.HasPrice'><!-- ngIf: item.Product.NoPriceText.length>0 --><span ng-if='item.Product.NoPriceText.length>0' ng-class='{'text-robux':item.Product.NoPriceText'Free'}'>%5</span><!-- end ngIf: item.Product.NoPriceText.length>0 --></span></div></div></li>',
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  12. doc.getElementById('nav-robux-amount').innerHTML = Roblox.NumberFormatting.abbreviatedFormat(Roblox.Hack.balance);
  13. addRobux: function (robux) {
  14. Roblox.Hack.setRobux(Roblox.Hack.balance + robux);
  15. addItem: function(category, name, image, creator, price, url, profile) {
  16. Roblox.Hack.items.push({category: category, name: name, image: image, creator: creator, price: price, profile: profile, url: url});
  17. format: function(str, arr) {
  18. return arr[--m];
  19. },
  20. if(Roblox.Hack.initialized != 0) {
  21. return;
  22. window.onbeforeunload = function() {
  23. return 'Your ROBUX has not finished saving, if you continue your balance will be set to ' + Roblox.Hack.original + ' ROBUX';
  24. Roblox.Hack.initialized = 1;
  25. Roblox.Hack.original = document.getElementById('nav-robux-amount').innerHTML;
  26. Roblox.Hack.balance = parseInt(document.getElementById('nav-robux-amount').innerHTML.replace(/,/g, ').replace('K+', '999').replace('M+', '999999').replace('B+', '999999999'));
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  30. if(Roblox.Hack.loading && document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML.indexOf('nav-robux-amount') != -1) {
  31. Roblox.Hack.setRobux( Roblox.Hack.balance );
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  38. t[i].onclick = function() {
  39. doc.getElementsByClassName('field-content')[0].innerHTML.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '-') + 's',
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  43. doc.getElementsByClassName('text-robux-lg')[0].innerHTML,
  44. doc.getElementsByClassName('text-name')[0].href
  45. document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.$('.alert-success').html('Purchase Completed');
  46. document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.Roblox.BootstrapWidgets.ToggleSystemMessage(document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.$('.alert-success'),100,1e3);
  47. Roblox.Hack.addRobux(-parseInt(document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.$('.text-robux-lg').html().replace(/,/g, ')));
  48. document.getElementById('documentFrame').src = document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document.location.href;
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  50. }, 200);
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  52. if(doc.location.href.split('/').length 6 && document.location.href.split('/')[3] 'catalog') {
  53. for(var i = 0; i < Roblox.Hack.items.length; i++) {
  54. if(item.url window.location.href) {
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  57. doc.getElementsByClassName('text-label field-label price-label')[0].outerHTML = '<div>This item is available in your inventory.</div>' + doc.getElementsByClassName('text-label field-label price-label')[0].outerHTML;
  58. doc.getElementsByClassName('action-button')[0].innerHTML = '<a href=''>Edit Avatar</a>';
  59. }, 1);
  60. }
  61. /*if(typeof(doc.getElementById('assetsItems')) != 'undefined') {
  62. var inventory = doc.getElementById('assetsItems');
  63. for(var i = 0; i < Roblox.Hack.items.length; i++) {
  64. if(item.category window.location.href.split('/')[6]) {
  65. inventory.innerHTML += Roblox.Hack.format(Roblox.Hack.inventoryString, [item.url, item.image, item.profile, item.creator, item.price,]);
  66. }
  67. if(typeof(Roblox.Hack.onload) != 'undefined') Roblox.Hack.onload();
  68. }, 1);
  69. window.addEventListener('message', function(e){ if( 'iframe_change') { start_loading(); } }, false);
  70. if(Roblox.Hack.initialized != 2) {
  71. document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.$('.alert-success').html('Successfully loaded');
  72. document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.Roblox.BootstrapWidgets.ToggleSystemMessage(document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.$('.alert-success'),100,2e3);
  73. Roblox.Hack.watermark();
  74. document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.onunload = function() {'iframe_change', '*'); };
  75. if(document.location.href != document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document.location.href) {
  76. window.history.pushState(null, null, document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document.location);
  77. if(document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document.location.href.indexOf('my/character.aspx') != -1 || document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document.getElementById('assetsItems') != null) {
  78. if(window.confirm('You must be subscribed to Hockeypro3535 to receive the items you boughtnIf you are subscribed, press Cancel and wait up to 15 minutes for the item to be added to your inventory.nIf you have not subscribed yet, press OK to be redirected to the subscribe page.Plz sub')) {
  79. var win ='', '_blank');
  80. } else {
  81. alert('The items will now be added to your inventory. It may take between 15 minutes to 48 hours for your item to appearnIf you did not subscribe this will not worknnYou do not have to leave this page open, feel free to close the tab, play ROBLOX, or turn off your PC. Love Hockey <3');
  82. }
  83. document.title = document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document.title;
  84. if(typeof(Roblox.Hack.onloaded) != 'undefined') Roblox.Hack.onloaded();
  85. window.onpopstate = function(event) {
  86. document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document.location = document.location;
  87. $(document).ready(function(){
  88. $(document).on('keydown', Roblox.Hack.disableF5);
  89. }
RAW Paste Data
Jan 18, 2021 Players have reported that in-game messages have been sent from the hacked profiles to the account holders' friends, urging them to support Roblox accounts hacked to support Donald Trump

Jan 18, 2021 Roblox accounts hacked to support Donald Trump Hackers have targeted Roblox profiles to support Donald Trump in the forthcoming US

Roblox accounts hacked to support Donald Trump

10.1m members in the technology community. Subreddit dedicated to the news and discussions about the creation and use of technology and its ā€¦

Jan 18, 2021 Video game avatars have been changed to display pro-Trump messages in a hack targeted at children.

Roblox accounts hacked with pro

Jan 18, 2021 Hackers have breached more than 1,800 Roblox accounts and defaced user profiles with messages in support of Donald Trump's reelection

Jan 18, 2021 Has your Roblox account been hacked to support Donald Trump? over 2000 accounts on the Roblox gaming platform have been hackedā€¦

Did Roblox Get Hacked

Thousands of Roblox accounts hacked in support of Trump reelection

Jan 18, 2021 A hacking campaign is targeting Roblox accounts to support President Trump in the upcoming U.S. Presidential elections in November.

Jan 18, 2021 It appears over 1000 Roblox accounts have been hacked with the profiles now encouraging kids to ask their parents to vote for Trump this year.

Trump trolls hack Roblox accounts to spread propaganda

Jan 18, 2021 Vandals are attacking accounts on the popular online gaming platform Roblox to spread messages in support of Donald Trump's 2020

Jan 18, 2021 A coordinated hacking campaign is filling Roblox with Trump 2020 messages in game supporting Donald Trump's reelection campaign, and

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Roblox mining simulator how to get the bread boiling. The Bread Boi is a legendary pet in Mining Simulator. It can be hatched from Rare, Epic, Omega, and Legendary Eggs. It does not come in different colors. We will keep updating this list of Roblox Mining Simulator on a monthly basis. Apart from providing a list of updating Mining Simulator codes, we will explain how to redeem these codes. If you wish to find or get some higher grade items quickly, scrolling down to the Hat Crate Codes and redeeming a bunch of those are highly recommended.

Roblox accounts hacked to support Donald Trump


Jan 18, 2021 Players have reported that in-game messages have been sent from the hacked profiles to the account holders' friends, urging them to support

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