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Aug 30th, 2014
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Roblox Trade Bot For Free
- /* Buttons */// (DELETE THIS ONCE U USE) AND THE //, Instructions: scroll down to Trading_robux and trading_tix make that the number of tix and robux u have.
- var cancel_trade_class ='btn-negative';
- /* Input */
- var limit_order_id ='ctl00_ctl00_cphRoblox_cphMyRobloxContent_ctl00_LimitOrderRadioButton';
- var give_currency_id ='ctl00_ctl00_cphRoblox_cphMyRobloxContent_ctl00_HaveCurrencyDropDownList';
- var receive_currency_id ='ctl00_ctl00_cphRoblox_cphMyRobloxContent_ctl00_WantCurrencyDropDownList';
- var give_box_id ='ctl00_ctl00_cphRoblox_cphMyRobloxContent_ctl00_HaveAmountTextBoxRestyle';
- var receive_box_id ='ctl00_ctl00_cphRoblox_cphMyRobloxContent_ctl00_WantAmountTextBox';
- var submit_trade_id ='ctl00_ctl00_cphRoblox_cphMyRobloxContent_ctl00_SubmitTradeButton';
- /* Info */
- var my_robux ='RobuxAlertCaption';
- /* History */// Dp not touch these values. Or anything for that matter. Go away
- var Previous_Robux_Traded =0;
- var Current_Tix_Gained =0;// 'Current' variables are the ones that hold the values of the maximum to trade. They will not trade more money than you have gained.
- var Previous_Bux_Rate =0;
- var Current_Trading ='bux'// We start trading bux first
- var Loading =0;
- var pending_profit =0;
- /* others */
- var tcinterval;
- var expecting_element;
- var totalprofit_element;
- // Multiply R$ by the right
- // Round only final value
- function FetchExternalData(){
- $.get('http://www.roblox.com/My/Money.aspx#/#TradeCurrency_tab',function(data){
- //console.log( $('#' + my_robux, data).text() );
- return d;
- /*
- var x=0;
- while(true){
- y += ele.offsetTop;
- break;
- ele = ele.offsetParent;
- return [x, y];
- console.log( getPos( document.getElementById('frame1').contentDocument.getElementById('ctl00_ctl00_cphRoblox_cphMyRobloxContent_ctl00_SubmitTradeButton') ))*/
- function GetBuxRate(Rates){// What to multiply bux by
- return tes[2];
- function GetTixRate(Rates){// What to divide tix by
- return tes[1];
- var Spread = framedoc.getElementsByClassName('column')[0].childNodes[5]
- return Spread.innerHTML;
- if(isClass true){
- }else{
- }
- Click(start_trade_class,true, d);
- }
- function SetTradeTo(currency, d){
- $('#'+ give_currency_id, d).val('Tickets');
- }elseif(currency 'bux'){
- $('#'+ receive_currency_id, d).val('Tickets');
- }
- function MakeIFrame(){
- f.width= window.innerWidth;
- f.style.position='absolute'
- f.style.left='0px';
- f.setAttribute('src','http://www.roblox.com/My/Money.aspx#/#TradeCurrency_tab');
- document.body.outerHTML=';
- currenttrading_element = document.createElement('span');
- currenttrading_element.style.width='400px'
- currenttrading_element.style.backgroundColor='rgb(200,200,200)';
- currenttrading_element.style.top='360px';
- currenttrading_element.style.fontSize='25px';
- currenttrading_element.style.borderRadius='5px';
- currenttrading_element.innerHTML='Currently exchanging: R$';
- document.body.appendChild(currenttrading_element);
- giving_element = document.createElement('span');
- giving_element.style.borderRadius='5px';
- giving_element.style.backgroundColor='rgb(200,200,200)';
- giving_element.style.top='400px';
- giving_element.style.fontSize='25px';
- document.body.appendChild(giving_element);
- expected_element = document.createElement('span');
- expected_element.style.borderRadius='5px';
- expected_element.style.backgroundColor='rgb(200,200,200)';
- expected_element.style.top='440px';
- expected_element.style.fontSize='25px';
- document.body.appendChild(expected_element);
- totalprofit_element = document.createElement('span');
- totalprofit_element.style.borderRadius='5px';
- totalprofit_element.style.backgroundColor='rgb(200,200,200)';
- totalprofit_element.style.top='360px';
- totalprofit_element.style.fontSize='25px';
- totalprofit_element.innerHTML='Total Profit: 0 R$';
- }
- function simulatedClick(target, options){
- var event = target.ownerDocument.createEvent('MouseEvents'),
- var opts ={
- canBubble:options.canBubble||true,
- view:options.view|| target.ownerDocument.defaultView,
- screenX:options.screenX||0,//The coordinates within the entire page
- clientX:options.clientX||0,//The coordinates within the viewport
- ctrlKey:options.ctrlKey||false,
- shiftKey:options.shiftKey||false,
- metaKey:options.metaKey||false,//I *think* 'meta' is 'Cmd/Apple' on Mac, and 'Windows key' on Win. Not sure, though!
- button:options.button||0,//0 = left, 1 = middle, 2 = right
- }
- //Pass in the options
- opts.type,
- opts.cancelable,
- opts.detail,
- opts.screenY,
- opts.clientY,
- opts.altKey,
- opts.metaKey,
- opts.relatedTarget
- target.dispatchEvent(event);
- console.log('Giving 5 seconds for page to load.');
- setTimeout(function(){
- $d = $('#frame1').contents()
- console.log(' NEW TRANSACTION ');
- if((InTrade 0)&&(Loading 0)&&($('.'+ start_trade_class, $d)[0])){
- $.get('http://www.roblox.com/My/Money.aspx#/#TradeCurrency_tab',function(data){
- $my_robux = $('#'+ my_robux, data).text();
- $tix_rate =Number(GetTixRate($('.'+ quote_panel_class, data)[0].childNodes[3].childNodes[2].innerHTML));
- $bux_rate =Number(GetBuxRate($('.'+ quote_panel_class, data)[0].childNodes[3].childNodes[2].innerHTML));
- $spread =Number($('.column', data)[0].childNodes[5].innerHTML);
- // check if any offers or bids are pending (bids = tix, offers = bux)
- $bids = $('.bid', data).length/2;
- console.log( $offerspending +' offers pending.');
- total_profit =(total_profit + pending_profit);
- totalprofit_element.innerHTML='Total Profit: '+ total_profit +' R$';
- $bux_profit =($expected_bux - Trading_Robux);
- $expected_tix =Math.round(Trading_Robux*$bux_rate);
- console.log($tix_profit);
- if((Math.abs($spread)<550)&&($spread <0)&&($bux_profit >0)&&(Current_Trading 'tix')){
- console.log('Profit to be made on TIX to R$: '+ $spread +' - Rate: '+ $tix_rate);
- console.log('Expected to profit '+ $bux_profit +' R$ from this trade.');
- //SetTradeTo('tix', $d);
- $('#'+receive_box_id, $d).val($expected_bux);
- Current_Trading ='bux'
- currenttrading_element.innerHTML='Currently exchanging: R$';
- giving_element.innerHTML='Gave: '+ Trading_Tix +' TIX';
- expected_element.innerHTML='Expecting: '+ $expected_bux +' R$';
- setTimeout(function(){
- simulatedClick( document.getElementById('frame1').contentDocument.getElementById(submit_trade_id))
- //$('#'+submit_trade_id, $d).trigger('click');
- },1500
- }elseif((Math.abs($spread)<550)&&($bux_profit <0)&&(Current_Trading 'tix')){
- console.log('Will lose profit on TIX to R$. Not trading.');
- }elseif((Math.abs($spread)<550)&&($spread >0)&&($tix_profit >20)&&(Current_Trading 'bux')){
- console.log('Good spread to trade R$ to TIX: '+ $spread +' - Rate: '+ $bux_rate);
- console.log('Expected to profit '+ $tix_profit +' TIX from this trade.');
- SetTradeTo('bux', $d);
- $('#'+receive_box_id, $d).val($expected_tix);
- Current_Trading ='tix'
- currenttrading_element.innerHTML='Currently exchanging: TIX';
- giving_element.innerHTML='Gave: '+ Trading_Robux +' R$';
- expected_element.innerHTML='Expecting: '+ $expected_tix +' TIX';
- simulatedClick( document.getElementById('frame1').contentDocument.getElementById(submit_trade_id))
- //$('#'+submit_trade_id, $d).trigger('click');
- },1500
- }elseif((Math.abs($spread)<550)&&($tix_profit <20)&&(Current_Trading 'bux')){
- console.log('Will lose profit on R$ to TIX. Not trading.');
- console.log('Bad spread. Not trading: '+ $spread +' - Currently trying to exchange: '+ Current_Trading);
- }else{
- console.log('Waiting for current offer to finish...');
- });
- console.log('Currently in trade or loading page. Waiting...');
- },5000);
Best Roblox Trade Bots
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